Christmas is a time to share joy and love, but choosing gifts can sometimes be tricky. How do you find something personal and heartfelt? We’ve put together a list of special gift ideas for family and friends, young and old, to suit all ages and tastes. Read on to discover gifts that will bring a smile to your loved ones face and make Christmas extra special.
Bright and warm Christmas card with Airplac foam board and gilding
Are you looking for a creative way to personalise your Christmas cards this year? By combining simple printmaking with beautiful gilding, you can create truly special cards.
Beautiful card with Airplac Core foam board
Delight your mother this Mother’s Day with a beautiful and unique card. With the foam board, you can print beautiful and original images without much effort.
Special present: painting potholders and oven mitts
A special present can be simple, colourful and handy. With just a little help, children can decorate their own potholders and overn mitts. A practical gift that will bring a smile to your face.
Upcycling old Christmas baubles with Marabu Decor paints
They are lying dormant in many boxes: old Christmas baubles from years gone by. They’re no longer up to date, but too good to throw away. With a few brush strokes, the baubles get a new coat of paint in the trendy Christmas colour. Perfect for the latest Christmas decorations!
Christmas Fridge Magnets
Create original Christmas magnets by cutting out beautiful shapes from the modelling clay using cookie cutters. After drying, you can decorate the cut-outs with half-beads to your taste.
Reindeer pompon decoration from pine cones
Turn pine comes into Christmas decorations. Stick pompons of different colors onto the pine cones or create a reindeer face with them – this is how Christmas becomes colorful.
Armsad lihavõttejäneste munad
Milline vahva väike seltskond jäneseid! Just sellised pisikesed lihavõttemunad võiksid kaunistada ka sinu kevadist kodu. Kvaliteetsete Marabu akrüülimarkeritega on selliste tegelaste loomine imelihtne ning sobilik igale vanusele. Proovi ka sina luua üks kuhi kevadisi lihavõttejäneseid!
9+ pakkimise ideed ehk kingipakkimise kiirabi
Ja ongi viimane nädal enne jõule käes. Kingid vaja kiiresti pakitud saada ja jõuluvana kotti toimetada. Siit mõned näpunäited kuidas lihtsate vahenditega efektseid ja veidi teistmoodi pakendeid teha.
1-2-3 ehk kuidas anda hetkega uus ilme vanadele kuusehetele
Kohe-kohe on aeg jõulehted välja otsida ja taas kuusepuule riputada. Aastate jooksul on kindlasti kogunenud erinevaid kuulikesi ja vidinaid kõik võimalikes värvides. Siit mõned nipid, kuidas saavutada lihtsate ja kiirete võtetega mõnusalt harmoneeruvad kuuseheted.
6+2 ideed washi teipidega jõulutunde loomiseks
Jõulumeeleolu loomiseks koju või kontorisse on eriti lihtne teha erinevaid kaunistusi ja dekoratsioone washi teipidega.